Saturday, September 18, 2010


.that outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self-esteem

of their personnel. If people believe in themselves it's

amazing what they can accomplish.

Sam Walton said that, and he was right.

If you direct the activities of others, have you given them

a compliment today? Have you told them how valuable they are?

If they are not valuable, why do you have them working

for you? If they are, why would you not tell them?

Not once a year, at evaluation time.

Right now. Today. And often.

Love, Your Friend....

nurish your soul

that the time has come for you to nourish your soul.

When was the last time that you swam naked?

Or sang in the shower? Or blew bubbles?

Or held a puppy? Or kissed a baby?

Or made love all Sunday afternoon?

Or prayed really softly, not from need, but from love?

Has it been a while?

Then hurry. Do it.


This is life that is going by...

Love, Your Friend....

you do not do anything against you own will

.that no one does anything they do not want to do.

You always have a reason--and usually, a pretty good one--

for doing what you are doing and choosing what you are

choosing. Be careful not to convince yourself that you are

doing something against your will. Such a thing is impossible.

Therefore, be honest with yourself as to why you are choosing

to do a particular thing. Then, do it gladly, knowing that you

are always getting to do what you want. The statement "I have

no choice" is a lie. You can choose. You simply do not prefer

the alternatives available to you, for whatever reason. So you

select the outcome that you most prefer. Isn't that power?

Love, Your Friend....

get out of victimhood

.that nobody needs your help.

I know, I know...this is a difficult one. But it is true. Yet

this does not mean no one wants your help, or that noone

could use your help. It simply means the thought that another

Aspect of Divinity is powerless without you is inaccurate.

Do not do something, therefore, because you think someone

else needs you. That only builds resentment. Do whatever

you do as a means of deciding, declaring, creating, and

experiencing who you are--and who you choose to be. Then

you will never feel victimized, powerless, or without choice.

Yes? You see how simple it all is? Get out of victimhood.

Love, Your Friend....

stop telling yourself you cant

that the greatest enemy of individual freedom is the

individual himself.

Saul Alinsky said that, and he was right. In almost every

case, nothing is stopping you, nothing is holding you back

but your own thoughts about yourself and about "how life is."

Your personal freedom to experience yourself and life

as you wish is not being limited. Step into your choices

and stop telling yourself that you can't, when what you

really mean is that you don't want other people to feel the

way you think that are going to feel when they see you making

the choices you really want to make. Got it?

Love, Your Friend....

you are deeply loved

...that you are deeply loved by God.

Do you know that? I mean, do you really know that?

Because if you do, you will move through life without

fear. You will know that only Perfection can occur.

Yes, yes, I know, sometimes the things that occur don't

look perfect...but that is only a matter of perspective.

Because you can't see Perfection does not mean it is not

there. Give it Time. It will show itself for sure. Then you

will again smile at God's love...and how it plays out.

For now, trust that it will. Always. And in all ways. I

would not tell you this were it not true.

Love, Your Friend....

follow your passion

...that happiness, that grand mistress of the ceremonies in the dance of life,
impels us through all its mazes and meandering, but leads none of us by
the same route.

Charles Caleb Colton said that, and he was right. Therefore, since there is no One Way to find happiness, why not find it the way that appeals most to you? Why not follow your passion --- even if others tell you that you are crazy for trying it?

Is someone telling you that now? Don't listen. Don't listen to that! The voice of caution knows nothing of real joy. What joy is there is doing what there was no doubt you could do? Where's the excitement in that? Hey, try something that you could fail at. Now that's living.

Love, Your Friend....